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House Of Papers

Click on your card to read your fortune.

ACE OF HEARTS -- (THE ABODE) Ace of Hearts in the House of Papers indicates that you will sign a lease or mortgage or some kind of paper involving the home. It could be only a rent receipt or buying or selling a home.

KING OF HEARTS -- (ENJOYMENT) Some stocks or bonds or insurance papers will be given to you or placed so you may finance them easily through a dear friend or relative.

QUEEN OF HEARTS -- (FRIENDS) You will sign a paper a friend brings to you like a will.

JACK OF HEARTS -- (POPULARITY) Through being popular you may win something where papers are signed. Or you will sign a note for a friend. Or for a purchase you make. If in the movies; you sign a contract.

TEN OF HEARTS -- (MARRIAGE OR UNION) You will sign a wedding certificate; yours or a friend's. Or you will sign as a witness to something like a business contract or the amalgamation of firms.

NINE OF HEARTS -- (YOUR WISH) If your wish has papers involved; you should get your wish.

EIGHT OF HEARTS -- (MOON-LOVE) Someone loves you and will make their will or insurance in your favor.

SEVEN OF HEARTS -- (HAPPINESS) You will receive some paper pertaining to finances that will make you very happy. Also it might be graduation papers or a diploma. Or a wedding license. A paper of importance.

ACE OF DIAMONDS -- (NEW UNDERTAKING) In a new undertaking have all papers drawn up carefully. Also indicates that you will sign a legal document and benefit by it.

KING OF DIAMONDS -- (LEGAL PAPERS) Any lawsuit you have or any legal paper you sign will be in your favor this coming year. There is something pertaining to papers here for you.

QUEEN OF DIAMONDS -- (SEASONS) You may be called into court; either as a witness; jury duty or to protect your own interests. Something where time is set for your appearance. Or a business deal closed.

JACK OF DIAMONDS -- (LETTERS) You will receive a legal document through the mail; fax or telegram about a court action. Or you will follow in the newspapers some trial that takes place. Hasty air news of importance.

TEN OF DIAMONDS -- (MONEY) Through a legal action you will receive money; in some way you must sign a paper. Use care in what you sign and avoid going to court later. Money through signing a paper.

NINE OF DIAMONDS -- (SURPRISES) You will be surprised by a supoena or court action of some kind where you will be involved. Or someone will want you to sign a paper. Or a surprise over a position offered if a secretary. (Be careful)

EIGHT OF DIAMONDS -- (INHERITANCE) You will have to go into court over an inheritance. Or sign papers with the help of an attorney. If a secretary you will work for a doctor or lawyer.

SEVEN OF DIAMONDS -- (SUCCESS) Your success comes through some court or legal matter where papers are involved. Or successful work where papers are handled. Also you sign a paper; either a will or a lease.

ACE OF CLUBS -- (GIFTS) The gift of stocks or bonds or shares in a business. Or a gift of paper will be recorded. Something in which a paper plays an important part.

KING OF CLUBS -- (VOCATION) Your vocation should be where papers are signed or handled. Or through the newspaper you find a position. Papers have something to do with your work or future support.

QUEEN OF CLUBS -- (INQUIRER) Papers of a legal type will be signed by you; perhaps you know about these papers now. Or papers signed for something bought or sold.

JACK OF CLUBS -- (RELATIVES) You will be involved with relatives; very close business associates or friends in court. Or you will go or be called to court as a witness.

TEN OF CLUBS -- (JOURNEY) Papers of some kind bring a change in your life; such as selling a home; land or property of some kind. Or you will have to take a trip to settle a legal action or sell property. Or a changed contract.

NINE OF CLUBS -- (LUCK) A lucky investment or a paper of some kind will affect your future. Also indicates luck in a legal action; something pertaining to court.

EIGHT OF CLUBS -- (ACHIEVEMENT) Papers and business come together here. You buy or sell a business or something where you make a profit. This also concerns the source of your support. Good business.

SEVEN OF CLUBS -- (MESSAGES) You will receive a message about a paper of some kind. Or you sign for a package you receive. Or a telephone conversation regarding a contract or the signing of a paper.

ACE OF SPADES -- (DEATH) You will read in the newspapers about the death of a friend or prominent person. Or you will sign a paper regarding the death of someone. Or care for the papers of a deceased person. Or take care of papers for an absent person.

KING OF SPADES -- (CALLERS) Callers will interest you with something they saw in the newspapers. Or a caller whom you dislike comes. Or someone wants you to sign a note. Or a caller asks you to sign for a purchase. This caller is a person you would rather not see.

QUEEN OF SPADES -- (GRATITUDE) An ungrateful person will try to gain something through you; like being named in your will or made beneficiary in insurance papers. Or you will be grateful to someone for helping you with your lesson or signing a paper.

JACK OF SPADES -- (COMPASS-THOUGHTS) You will have a legal tilt over insurance papers. Or someone may try to cheat you out of what is rightfully yours in some paper; be careful. Or news you are waiting for comes over the air.

TEN OF SPADES -- (SUN) You may sign a marriage license as a witness. Or find a paper that has long been missing. Put papers in a safe place. The sun will shine for you when you sign a certain paper.

NINE OF SPADES -- (DISAPPOINTMENT) You will lose a valuable paper. Or you will sign a paper incorrectly and thereby lose much. Or a delay will occur in consumating a contract. An attorney should help you sign important papers.

EIGHT OF SPADES -- (TROUBLE) You will have trouble over a class paper if attending school; you may fail an examination. Or you will have trouble over signing a paper. Or you will misplace a valuable paper.

SEVEN OF SPADES -- (HEALTH) Something in the newspaper will make you heartsick. Or someone's illness makes you blue. Or you may sign a will as a witness. Or you will visit a dentist or a doctor. Cheer up as better days are ahead.