![]() | House Of Gratitude |
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![]() | Click on your card to read your fortune. |
ACE OF HEARTS -- (THE ABODE) Ace of Hearts in the House of Gratitude indicates that someone where you live is very grateful to you for what you do for them. There is gratitude shown about a home condition around you. |
KING OF HEARTS -- (ENJOYMENT) A person who loves you will be very grateful for any favors you give and will amply repay you at a later date. |
QUEEN OF HEARTS -- (FRIENDS) Friends are grateful or will be grateful for a favor you have done or will do for them. Or you will be grateful to a friend for a favor. |
JACK OF HEARTS -- (POPULARITY) You will or have become popular among your friends because they are grateful for small favors you do for them. |
TEN OF HEARTS -- (MARRIAGE OR UNION) Some newlyweds will be very grateful for something you do for them. Or someone will be grateful to you for bringing old friends together again. |
NINE OF HEARTS -- (YOUR WISH) Your wish has something to do with gratitude; either on your part or someone else's. Or you will be very grateful if you get your wish. |
EIGHT OF HEARTS -- (MOON-LOVE) Someone will be very grateful for something you have done and will remark how they love you for your kindness. |
SEVEN OF HEARTS -- (HAPPINESS) You will bring happiness into someone's life and that person will be very grateful. Or by your being grateful for small things; you will obtain much happiness. |
ACE OF DIAMONDS -- (NEW UNDERTAKING) Someone near you will be very grateful for your help in some new undertaking. Or you have a grateful friend. |
KING OF DIAMONDS -- (LEGAL PAPERS) You will be grateful to someone for their help with some kind of paper. Or you will help someone draw up a paper. |
QUEEN OF DIAMONDS -- (SEASONS) Someone is grateful for past favors and will repay you at a later date; time is involved here. |
JACK OF DIAMONDS -- (LETTERS) You will send a letter of condolence or of gratitude; or will receive one. |
TEN OF DIAMONDS -- (MONEY) Someone will be grateful for your help financially; not necessarily the loan of money. Or you will be grateful to someone who put something in your way that brought you some money. |
NINE OF DIAMONDS -- (SURPRISES) You will be surprised when gratitude is shown you for a past favor you bestowed; this comes when you least expect it and need it most. |
EIGHT OF DIAMONDS -- (INHERITANCE) A position in business is sent your way by someone who is grateful to you for a past favor which you had forgotten about. Also could be an inheritance from a grateful friend or relative. |
SEVEN OF DIAMONDS -- (SUCCESS) Your future success picks up with gratitude. Or someone will be very grateful to you for your help in getting them a job or helping them to succeed. |
ACE OF CLUBS -- (GIFTS) You will be grateful for a gift you need very badly. Or you will be thanked for help you give to a deserving person. |
KING OF CLUBS -- (VOCATION) You will help someone with school work or some other kind of work; a grateful friend in the business world or wherever you work. |
QUEEN OF CLUBS -- (INQUIRER) Someone will be grateful for a favor you bestow. Or you will be grateful to someone for some past or future favor. |
JACK OF CLUBS -- (RELATIVES) You have grateful relatives or dear friends. |
TEN OF CLUBS -- (JOURNEY) Friends on a trip will be grateful for your help in getting them settled or for entertaining them. Or you are grateful for a trip or change of condition. |
NINE OF CLUBS -- (LUCK) Being grateful will bring you good luck. Show gratitude and honesty at all times. |
EIGHT OF CLUBS -- (ACHIEVEMENT) Friends in the business world will be grateful and repay you at a later date. Or you will receive a favor because you are grateful. |
SEVEN OF CLUBS -- (MESSAGES) You will receive a message expressing gratitude. Or you will get a message you are grateful for. |
ACE OF SPADES -- (DEATH) Someone will be very grateful because you helped in time of need like at a funeral or death. Or you will be grateful to friends for their help. |
KING OF SPADES -- (CALLERS) Ungrateful people will call on you. If you know who these people are; treat them cool; it will be for your own good. |
QUEEN OF SPADES -- (GRATITUDE) Someone you thought did not care for you will prove to be a real friend. You will be very grateful for something they do for you. |
JACK OF SPADES -- (COMPASS-THOUGHTS) You have trusted someone you never should have. Or a bill collector calls and is very rude over an unjust bill. |
TEN OF SPADES -- (SUN) You find out about an injustice and save yourself from harm. Also a favor will be asked that you cannot grant. |
NINE OF SPADES -- (DISAPPOINTMENT) Your kindness will meet with a disappointment or a loss. Choose friends carefully; we can't choose our relatives. Or something borrowed is not returned. |
EIGHT OF SPADES -- (TROUBLE) Some kindness you have shown will meet with ingratitude. A supposed- to-be friend will be lost. |
SEVEN OF SPADES -- (HEALTH) You will be heartsick over an enemy's jealousy; slander; unfair play or any underhandedness from relatives or would-be friends. |