![]() | House Of Messages |
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![]() | Click on your card to read your fortune. |
ACE OF HEARTS -- (THE ABODE) Ace of Hearts in the House of Messages indicates that you will receive a message about something pertaining to where you live or about something you bought for the home. |
KING OF HEARTS -- (ENJOYMENT) You will receive a message from someone asking you to a dinner party. Also a message from an attorney or doctor; an important message. |
QUEEN OF HEARTS -- (FRIENDS) A message from friends telling you about some good time they are going to have and they will ask you to join them. A pleasant message; a shopping trip. |
JACK OF HEARTS -- (POPULARITY) You will receive an invitation to go some place bcause you are popular. Or you will be in the company of some very noted person. |
TEN OF HEARTS -- (MARRIAGE OR UNION) You will receive a message concerning an elopement or marriage. |
NINE OF HEARTS -- (YOUR WISH) If you wished to hear from someone soon; you will get your wish. Also you will receive a message concerning your wish. |
EIGHT OF HEARTS -- (MOON-LOVE) You will receive a message from someone who loves you. A love message. |
SEVEN OF HEARTS -- (HAPPINESS) An expected message will come to you that brings happiness with it; something good. |
ACE OF DIAMONDS -- (NEW UNDERTAKING) You will receive a message offering a new job; position or business proposition. |
KING OF DIAMONDS -- (LEGAL PAPERS) If you are a writer you will receive a telephone call regarding some article where a paper could be involved. |
QUEEN OF DIAMONDS -- (SEASONS) A telephone call or message will be received; setting time for something you are to do or to meet someone. |
JACK OF DIAMONDS -- (LETTERS) A messenger or mailman will call bringing hasty news about investments or business; hasty news of some sort. |
TEN OF DIAMONDS -- (MONEY) You will receive a message or talk over the telephone about money; arrange payments on something you bought or money you will receive. It's a message concerning money. |
NINE OF DIAMONDS -- (SURPRISES) You will receive a message containing a surprise; a good surprise. |
EIGHT OF DIAMONDS -- (INHERITANCE) You will receive a message about an inheritance or an opportunity to invest money that should bring good returns. |
SEVEN OF DIAMONDS -- (SUCCESS) You will receive an important message which influences your future success. Concentrate here when this comes your way; it is important. |
ACE OF CLUBS -- (GIFTS) A message about a gift comes with a ring of the bell; or a telephone call; or the delivery of a gift; or a proposition offered over the phone or fax. |
KING OF CLUBS -- (VOCATION) If you are unemployed someone will send money or phone you asking for your services. Or a message comes regarding your advice in a matter. |
QUEEN OF CLUBS -- (INQUIRER) A message comes from a distance to you. Or you will receive mail advertising a trip or inviting you on one. |
JACK OF CLUBS -- (RELATIVES) A relative will phone you about a scandal or write about it. Or an invitation to one of their weddings. |
TEN OF CLUBS -- (JOURNEY) A message comes from a distance to you. Or you will receive mail advertising a trip or inviting you on one. |
NINE OF CLUBS -- (LUCK) A message or tip from someone on a race or chance in gambling will prove lucky to you. A lucky message of some kind. |
EIGHT OF CLUBS -- (ACHIEVEMENT) A message you receive will have something to do with your achievement. Or a message about business helps you. Don't quit school to work. Business talk by phone. |
SEVEN OF CLUBS -- (MESSAGES) If you are expecting a message regarding our wish you will surely get it and it will be advantageous. If working; your employment should be where many phone calls are received. |
ACE OF SPADES -- (DEATH) You will receive a message concerning a death. Or an accident and a death follows. Or someone will call to say goodbye. |
KING OF SPADES -- (CALLERS) You should be careful of what you write in a letter or say in a telephone conversation. Also might mean an order cancelled; if in business. Or someone phones they are going to visit. |
QUEEN OF SPADES -- (GRATITUDE) You will hear gossip over the phone or in a letter. Or you will receive a mean letter from an ungrateful person. Or you will be grateful to hear from someone. |
JACK OF SPADES -- (COMPASS-THOUGHTS) If you suspect a person; investigate. This person doesn't even like himself. Deceit is evident. A deceitful borrower. Or you will hear unpleasant news broadcast. |
TEN OF SPADES -- (SUN) You will receive a beneficial message this afternoon or early in the evening regarding business or personal affairs; something you are wanting to know. |
NINE OF SPADES -- (DISAPPOINTMENT) You will receive a message relating a loss of some kind. Or you will lose something and send a message or phone trying to locate it. Or a delayed phone call. |
EIGHT OF SPADES -- (TROUBLE) You will receive a message relating a trouble of some kind. Or you will lose something and send a message or phone trying to locate it. Or a delayed phone call. |
SEVEN OF SPADES -- (HEALTH) You will hear of the illness of someone you thought in good health. Or you hear something that makes you blue and sick at heart. Or a message asking about your health. |